Instacart added a new feature for shoppers that is rolling out across the country: One batch can now have orders from multiple stores.
It’s similar to double batches, but instead of shopping two orders at the same store, you shop two orders at different stores.
Here’s what multiple store batch requests look like:
Instacart has a tough ratings system for shoppers, so some are worried that the extra complications might lead to unhappy customers. But are there upsides?
Read on to learn more about how multiple store orders work for Instacart shoppers, and how you can make the best of this new order type.
How multiple store orders work for shoppers
Multiple store order requests look similar to other requests and contain similar info. The request will say “2 full service orders” and list the estimated payout, the two stores, the number of items, and the estimated delivery distance.
Multiple store orders will appear on the batch acceptance screen alongside normal orders, so you’re free to browse, accept, and reject orders in the same way as always.
Here’s the process: You shop one store, shop the next, then deliver to the customers.
You will have to keep the items from the first order in your car while you shop for the other, which can cause an issue with frozen and perishable items. Make sure to have insulated bags on hand.
Customers are not told that they are part of a multiple store order
Customers won’t be notified that their order is part of a multiple store order. Customers might wonder why the order is taking longer than expected, so it can be a good idea to let both customers know that you’re on a multiple store order.
Do multiple store orders pay more?
Instacart has not said that multiple store batches will get any special pay bump.
The batch pay algorithm does tend to increase the pay for more difficult orders, or orders that aren’t being accepted by other shoppers. There’s a chance that a multiple store order that hasn’t been claimed for a while will have higher batch pay.
The potential upsides for shoppers
Grab two good batches at the same time. It’s a good score if both batches pay well, don’t have too many items, and are at stores you like to shop at.
Efficient shoppers are rewarded. If you’re a fast, confident shopper you can knock out both orders quickly and move on to the next thing.
Stay busy longer. With individual orders, you might get one good batch only to sit around waiting for the next. Multiple store orders might keep you busy and earning for longer stretches.
Potential downsides for shoppers
More work for less pay. The minimum batch payout for a single order is around $7, but the batch payout for 2 orders isn’t necessarily $7×2.
So in effect, you are doing twice as much work without getting 2x base pay from Instacart.
More complications. With each additional order comes new complications. You have to keep the orders organized and separate. You might have to communicate with two customers at the same time.
You have to safely store the first order and make sure perishables don’t get too hot. A delay with one order will cause a delay with the next, leading to two upset customers instead of one.
Potential for bad ratings. With complications comes bad ratings. Customers will dock your ratings if they are upset with longer delivery times, or if frozen items become too warm in transit.
Instacart distributes batch offers based on ratings, so lower ratings from multiple store orders gone wrong can affect your future earnings.
Bad tippers get lumped in with good tippers. With a single order, it’s easy to see if the customer left no tip, a small tip, or a big tip.
But when two orders are batched together, the app doesn’t tell you how much each customer tipped until the delivery is over.
That might mean that one customer is an amazing tipper while the other left you nothing, and both got the same level of service.
The high tipper subsidizes the non tipper, which many shoppers believe is bad for shoppers and Instacart in general because bad tippers are able to get equal service without having to change their stingy ways.
Multiple store order strategies
You might not like it, but multiple store orders are here. You can choose to skip them altogether, but if they are anything like double and triple batches, you may not have a choice.
Sometimes you have to take a double or a multiple store order when there aren’t enough batches to go around, so try to make the best of it.
Stick to your normal earnings goals. Look closely at the number of items, the stores, and the delivery distance. Do the math in your head to see if you think it will meet your normal earnings goals.
If you are shooting for $20/hour, a $30 multiple store order with too many items and too much driving doesn’t meet your standards.
But a $30 multiple store order with a handful of items at 2 easy stores with 2 close drop-offs might be a win for you.
Pick easy stores. Take a multiple store order from stores that you know like the back of your hand. For unfamiliar stores, wait for single batches when there is less pressure on you.
Another good tactic is to pick orders with an easy combination of stores, like a grocery store and a convenience store.
The grocery store order may be long, but chances are that you’ll be in and out of the convenience store in only a few minutes. That’s a good combo.
The full announcement from Instacart
“Shop multiple stores! Batches can now include orders from multiple stores. Multiple stores means a better use of your time.”
“You’ll have the opportunity to earn more in less time when you shop batches that include orders from multiple stores.”
More reading for Instacart shoppers
Dawn says
I agree with Jass. Why have 2 orders from 2 diff stores? Makes no sense at all. Yes, I keep a cooler in my car during the summer months but how does ice cream stay frozen if you use the cooler & your next batch takes 45 mins? Even if I add ice to my cooler it won’t stay frozen, then the customer gives shopper a bad rating. ALSO, Why is it the shoppers responsibility to tell the customer they are part of a multiple store order?
I def will not choose a multiple store orders!
Jass says
I think it’s stupid to have a double batch from two different stores. If it’s gonna be a double, it needs to come from the same store so that way you won’t have to waste gas driving to a whole different store/location. Plus Instacart need to do better when it comes to driving to a store that’s closer to the customers house and not so damn far away. If a customer has an order from Kroger and the closest Kroger is like 5 minutes away, why am I driving almost 20 minutes to a whole different Kroger to shop their order?!?! The gps in the app won’t even let you start shopping because they see you’re not at the location that THEY want you at. The products all have the same exact barcodes so it shouldn’t matter.
Letha says
Yes I hate that. Why shop at Krogers that is 7 Miles’s away meanwhile I’m down the street from your house already looking at Krogers down the street from your house. Plus that will help save on gas if we was able to shop at the nearest store especially if you just happy be in that area. Sometimes the money is not worth the gas when there is more miles involved. Especially with double batches with stores spreaded out
Sean says
Can you choose which store to shop first, for instance if you’re already at 1 store, but it’s the second one listed?
Shaunie says
That picture showing the pay for multiple orders is incorrect I haven’t seen that not one time they’re all the same as if we were doing one store one order very low pay no extra for the extra miles of going to another store having to shop again no pay bump at all they ought to be sued for this actually we should all be on strike no one should even be using Instacart because with gas prices rising they also haven’t raised the pay or give it any kind of pop or incentive they treat us like complete trash !
Jill says
I wonder if there’s a limit of how many items there can be with a multiple batch order .
What if Customer A has 5 items is frozen like from M&M , and customer B has an order from Walmart that is 20 items .
What if I encounter an issue at Walmart that takes me over an hour in time to complete ,
Customer A won’t be too happy !
David says
I just got one that customer A had 7 items, customer B had 33 items in a different store, 15 miles away, and the delivery was closed to 30 miles. It is 70 degrees where I live and 80 degrees where the second shop is at. The groceries where going to stay in my car for at least 45 minutes in an 80 degree weather. This makes no sense. I cancel the order to my detrimental, but there is no way I was going to do this to the customer. This makes no sense, especially in warm climates like California. I can just imagine what is going to happen in the summer.
Ben says
I’m not taking multiple store orders unless there paying me a $100 bucks and it’s easy. I’ll wait for single store orders or do other gig apps like Amazon flex that guarantee I’ll make $30+ an hour.
Bess says
You’re right, I won’t be taking them either. It’s bad enough when they double and triple batch orders, and customer A & B have no cold items but deli, & customer C has frozen…and the mileage to C is 21 miles!
The numbnut who came up with this idea should be fired!
And instead of sitting around conference room tables ‘trying to dazzle someone with stupidity’, they should be trying to remedy their issues…they have plenty